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DH Lore:There are rules out there for a David Hunter miniature RPG game. Look hard, you might find them...
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...Death of a Hero...
...November 14 2005...
Death of a Hero is now set to relaunch and recruit. Taking full advantage of Quake IV technology, this is going to be one to remember - check it out now!

...A New Look...
...October 7 2005...
We're very proud to announce our new look website, with a few new features and easier view news. It's also easier for us to update it, so expect more regular features. The site now features a number of means to affiliate with us and contact the webteam.

...CoW Overhaul...
...July 15 2005...
The Crucible of War website has been given an extensive overhaul to bring it more up to date. Check it out now!

...Site Down-time...
...June 23 2005...
As a great many people have realised (and thanks for all your concerned messages), the David Hunter series website has been unavailable for a short while, due to a few issues with our hosting. I'd like to personally apologise for any issues this may have caused. In addition, many of our files will not be available for a short while, as we bring the site back up to date.

...DH Secrets Told!...
...June 23 2005...
Revealed by the absolute masters of David Hunter themselves, here's a short selection of tips and bits and pieces to improve your game, allowing you to righteously smite your opposition better than ever before!

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...War on a frightening new scale...
...Space based naval strategy...

The RTS is set after the end of The Reactive Principle, directly before the beginning of The Crucible of War.

“The war for humanity was ended late in 2120. The exact date was lost to human recollection, although for a select few individuals the war will never come to an end. The defeat of the Clone forces at Ganymede led to the discovery of preliminary wormhole technology built by the Clones, who then used this to flee from the pursuit of the UNDH’s glorious task force. A small flotilla of vessels managed to follow in the wake of the Clone fleet, revealing what mankind feared the most – an entire solar system in an unidentifiable part of the galaxy populated by a great many Clones. The flotilla carried enough supplies to allow for the construction of the first naval base in the ‘Monolith’ system as it came to be known, the war rages on…”

Aims behind Blood Amongst the Stars
Blood Amongst the Stars aims to be a diametric opposition to the rest of the games in the series, unlike its predecessors (David Hunter, Death of a Hero and The Reactive Principle). The focus in these titles is heavily gameplay orientated, allowing the player to experience something on a level that hasn’t previously been achieved. Alike its predecessors, Blood Amongst the Stars will feature an abundance of huge firepower and large quantities of vessels and so will require some real skill in battlefield assessment or experience to achieve anything.
Unlike its predecessors however, Blood Amongst the Stars is the only truly unique project in the series, which makes it very special indeed, however using the Generals engine, it will lose the more generic aspect of the game entirely. You are the admiral, not the soldier.

Why create Blood Amongst the Stars? 
Blood Amongst the Stars is something that as an avid gamer I’ve always wanted to create. Although Blood Amongst the Stars isn’t necessarily exactly what I’ve had in mind, I’ve always had my eye on creating a vicious space simulation, where the play can take part in the sort of epic battles that are only seen in films such as Star Wars. The true chaotic nature of war has, in my opinion been left out of a great deal of flight simulation games and replaced with a smooth relaxed ride featuring a few enemy craft that will get in your way but barely bother the player.
Dh4 RTS should be different, from the early standard simple space battles to the final scenarios where both the engine power and player is tested to its limits, and wave upon wave of small fighter craft assault each other launched from truly titanic capital ships. The special RTS scope on this title should allow the player to envision an incredible scale of naval conflict.

Where does Blood Amongst the Stars take place?
It’s directly after the end of The Reactive Principle, focusing on the flotilla that emerges out into a previously unknown solar system. It takes place in the Crucible of War universe, only it focuses on the large scale space naval battles that commenced and were only heard of in distant communications in The Crucible of War.
Now, finally a threat is emerging from the human race to the Clone populations who have been unable to mobilise an appropriate response. A new war that threatens the survival of the species looms, and the conflict is expected to be on a previously unknown scale.

What am I in all of this?
You are the admiral of a large naval installation, with the power to expand your installation with more and more interlinked facilities, erect your own cash flow and even construct incredible navies to wage war across time and space.

What is the main focus?
The main focus in Blood Amongst the Stars is simply the gameplay. It needn’t be totally convincing at times, but the most important factor is that the game is enjoyable to play, and fits into the confines of the David Hunter universe. Unlike the other titles, Blood Amongst the Stars doesn’t focus on fast paced crowded gameplay elements, instead it takes a more laid back strategic approach to gameplay.

What’s different?
There are no other space naval based strategy mods for any of the Command and Conquer series to my own personal knowledge, and it’s very likely that this will be the original and only mod of its type. Perhaps it’s time to set a new genre!

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I do whatever my Rice Krispies tell me to do. -Koroz!ve
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