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DH Lore:There were ideas for a David Hunter film - sort of a 20 minute random spoof of terribleness
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...DH Secrets Told!...
...June 23 2005...
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...They Swarm, Admiral...
...The Clone Fleet list...

The Clone Fleet is an unpredictable force. At any given time, there may be any number of varied technologies in use that can be used to severely hinder the enemy. The greatest strengths of the Clone fleet are many and simple. They have an enormous variety of useful vessels, all with specific battlefield roles and abilities. Such variation in ships means that large battle groups with a number of different vessel types can be unexpectedly efficient. The Clone Fleet also has a great strength in numbers. It is able to produce a startling quantity of fighting ships very quickly, which can be relied upon to do combat well within their strength of numbers. Clone ships are very fast and manoeuvrable, which allows them to deploy their weapons to the greatest effect, behind Human fleet formations that would otherwise represent lethal opposition. They are also able to retreat or redeploy quicker than Human forces can bring their weapons to bear. Fast moving groups of Clone vessels can easily be used to severely disrupt Human formations.
Clone forces benefit greatly from the severe independence of each and every one of their vessels. Despite not being overly powerful, each unit can be used to maximum efficiency without much support if need be. Clone structures require no form of power, as enough power is generated by each building, with some spare. The Clones are only defeated when there are no longer any Structures or Workers left in the game, a tough prospect indeed for any opponent, as they will be required to actively seek and destroy each individual building before the Clones can muster enough retaliatory force.
The Clone force does however have its weaknesses. It is extremely vulnerable to prolonged enemy fire, as each ship is still very vulnerable. Ships in the Clone force often require significant upgrade to become highly effective.
The Clone Fleet has very limited defensive capabilities in the form of structures. Clone defensive stations are expensive and vulnerable to enemy fire. Clone defence forces therefore normally must consist of larger support vessels, allowing the fast vessels to act as raiding parties rather than utilising enormous powerful fleets.

The Clone Fleet is an incredibly varied and efficient task force to be reckoned with.

Stations – Equivalent of Buildings

Hive Base
Requires: Worker
This is the starting structure for the Clone faction. Special generals’ powers are utilised here and this is the only building that can produce Workers. The Hive Base is fairly vulnerable to enemy fire but like all Clone weapons, supports an efficient pulse weapon.

Requires: Worker
Refineries are the Clone equivalent of the Fusion Reactor. Less high tech, they are still able to refine minerals and render them useable in basic fleet construction. Refineries do not supply power to the Clone space stations; instead every Clone structure supplies its own power and a little in excess for when required. Refineries use Workers to harvest minerals from nearby sources, and a free one is built with every Refinery. Refineries are also the only structure capable of building Workers.

Basic Factory
Requires: Worker
Basic Factories produce the majority of clone force vessels. They are only very small facilities and therefore vulnerable to enemy fire, however they are able to be constructed very cheaply and quickly, proving to be a thorn in the enemies’ side.

Advanced Factory
Requires: Worker, Basic Factory
Advanced Factories churn out the larger war vessels employed by the Clone forces, and as a result are fairly large, and very well equipped with heavy pulse weapon systems for defence.

Orbital Defence
Requires: Worker
Orbital Defences can be easily erected with a Worker. They are cheap and fiercely independent, making them an ideal base defence structure. They are armed with both pulse weapons and torpedoes.

Tech Facility
Requires: Worker
Tech Facilities provide invaluable research into the fields of weapons technology as well as shield technology and engine capacity. Much technological advancement is available at a price in the Tech Facility.

Requires: Worker, Jump Gate Technology
Wormholes allow Clone forces to place a small number of craft ‘in limbo’ in a space that is neither space nor time. They may be brought back into existence at any time through and wormhole in the vicinity, making for extremely fast almost instantaneous transport between two places.

Reinforcing Station
Requires: Worker, Hive Base
The Reinforcing Station regularly calls in small detachments of corvettes from distant unengaged territories for the owning Admiral to use. Reinforcements from these stations can keep a Clone fleet battle ready for a considerable length of time should they remain unchecked, even after all other structures have been destroyed. It can also call in a reinforcing formation of corvettes to any point on the map at the Admirals’ command.

Requires: Worker, Hive Base, Tech Facility
The Obelisk is the single largest structure in the game. It has numerous functions for the Clone Fleet that are all equal in importance. Firstly, it is the housing of the enormous Planet Killer missile system, which can launch a devastating salvo of long range cruiser sized torpedoes at long ranges. It is also armed with the Pulse Flux weapon, which is able to fire extremely rapidly from its many firing ports at any enemies which stray into range. The Obelisk also produces the Battleships of the Clone Fleet in its mighty ship yards. It requires the combined power outputs of many structures to function effectively.

Corvettes – Equivalent of Infantry

Requires: Basic Factory
Venoms are the mainstay of the Clone fleet. Light and easy to maintain they are often found hunting in fast roving groups. Venoms are light but fast and able to deploy vicious Clone Neutron weapons at short range.


Requires: Basic Factory, Displacer Technology
The Viper utilises clone Displacement Wormhole Field technologies that make the ship very difficult to target. They are practically immune to many weapons, yet remain vulnerable to cannons and torpedoes. Vipers are fast and light, making them only effective in groups where their numbers hide their vulnerability to fire. 

Requires: Basic Factory
Hunters are the larger corvettes employed by Clone Forces. They are armed with both Neutron and Pulse weapons systems and can be upgraded to carry torpedoes. They are fairly tough but considerably slower than the Venom.

Requires: Hive Base, Basic Factory
The Remora itself is unarmed. However, it’s specially designed weapons systems allow it to project a cloud of repair Nanobots into the vicinity of itself which can heal friendly craft and structures within its limited range. Its use is indispensable.

Requires: Basic Factory, Tech Facility
The Inhibitor is armed with highly specialised EMP weapons that are able to disable both the weapons systems and engines of Human vessels for extremely short periods of time. The Inhibitor craft are unable to directly deal significant damage to a Human Fleet, but their presence can prevent fast moving Human vessels from escaping the grasp, and can even stop them almost entirely from functioning when bombarding ships in groups.

Requires: Basic Production Facility
The Basilisk is armed with only simple laser cannons; however it is remarkably resilient to enemy fire despite being a very small corvette vessel. When upgraded, Basilisks lose their resilience, but instead gain the Teleport Attack weapon, which allows them to assault and even capture enemy vessels and structures.

Requires: Basic Production Facility
The Raider is an incredibly small unarmed corvette designed to slip though defences undetected. Once it reaches its target, an extremely small team of specialists can be deployed after forcing a docked entry with a target structure. The specialists can place explosives at key positions of the structure and loot valuable supplies from it.

Requires: Basic Production Facility
Normally used by the Rogue Clone outrider movement, the Gremlin corvette is designed for long distance travel and relies upon its own ability to make use of nearby surroundings. The Gremlin has excellent scanning equipment capable of detecting stealthy enemies over long distances, and its main gun can be continuously upgraded by scavenging power generators from other wrecks. A fully charged Gremlin weapon is a dangerous weapon.

Cruisers – Equivalent of Tanks 

Requires: Hive Base or Refinery
Workers are the most important vessel employed by the Clone forces. They do everything from transport minerals to construct the space stations employed in fleet construction and planetary defence. They are large and fairly tough foes, but are lightly armed and a popular choice with Human assaults.

Requires: Advanced Factory
Warriors are the smallest vessels to emerge from the Advanced Factories employed by the Clones. They are fairly sturdy vessels designed to accompany larger vessels and deal with similar sized capital ships. They pack a fair punch in the form of high velocity cannons, and may be upgraded to carry interceptors or bombers.

Requires: Advanced Factory
Seekers are the slightly larger counterpart to the Warrior. They are bristling with Neutron and Pulse weapons systems and can be upgraded to carry cannons and interceptors. They are able to keep up with Warriors despite their considerably larger size, and are commonly used in offensive situations due to their short ranged ability.

Requires: Advanced Factory
The Prowler is the workhorse of the Clone fleet. It carries the feared Deathbringer cannons which can catch several small vessels in its grasp simultaneously. It is fairly resilient, but its size doesn’t allow it to travel particularly quickly. Prowlers are commonly used defensively to avoid friendly fire issues.

Dark Cloud
Requires: Advanced Factory, Ranged Squadron Technology
The Dark Cloud is not so much a ship as an extremely large self sufficient group of light craft ranging from fighters to bombers, and a quantity of supporting vessels. They are difficult for other ships to target but are very vulnerable to specialised anti-fighter weapons systems.

Mine Layer
Requires: Advanced Factory, Space Mine Technology
The Mine Layer is similar to the Worker in design, however it carries the materials required to rig up small explosive charges capable of crippling most corvettes and dealing sufficient damage to larger vessels. They are also able to deploy special demolition charges near enemy space stations and detonate them at range.

Requires: Advanced Factory, Displacer Technology
Raptors use similar Displacement Technology to the Viper, only on a much larger scale. The Raptor normally is equipped purely with cannons, but is able to carry additional neutron weapons or interceptor wings when upgraded.

Requires: Advanced Factory, Firestorm Technology
The Firestorm is a large cruiser employed by the Clone forces when the technology is available. It features unique plasma / tachyon weapons system hybrids that can create an almighty storm of energy over a projected area when enough of these weapons are focused together. Dangerous in groups, the Firestorms are very expensive to build and are only seen in the closing stages of any war.

Battleships – No Equivalent – Uber Units 

Requires: Obelisk
Within its almighty hold, the Bruiser may carry several small corvettes or a single small cruiser over projected distances, offering them protection against enemy fire from within an incredibly tough armour plated hull. Despite being unarmed itself, the Bruiser is incredibly tough and equipped with enough Nanobots to allow it to close on enemy forces and unleash its cargo at short range.

Requires: Obelisk
The Reaper is the largest craft available to the Clones. It is armed with highly effective pulse weapon systems, and can be upgraded to carry multiple Dark Star Corvettes, which can be launched directly from atop its large hull. The Dark Stars are short ranged vessels, armed with limited ammunition, but their firepower is highly effective in their limited bursts.

Requires: Obelisk
The Leviathan is well armed with a high power laser battery and is much faster than the rest of the Clone fleet. The sole purpose of the Leviathan is to catch enemy ships unawares and crush them in its mighty mechanical maw, often swallowing corvettes and small cruisers with a single terror-wreaking lunge.

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To be, or not to... WTF?! Where'd they get that head gib?! -chris
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