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DH Lore:PC Gamer UK were had at one point an article entitled The Art of David Hunting in the works
Latest News:
...Death of a Hero...
...November 14 2005...
Death of a Hero is now set to relaunch and recruit. Taking full advantage of Quake IV technology, this is going to be one to remember - check it out now!

...A New Look...
...October 7 2005...
We're very proud to announce our new look website, with a few new features and easier view news. It's also easier for us to update it, so expect more regular features. The site now features a number of means to affiliate with us and contact the webteam.

...CoW Overhaul...
...July 15 2005...
The Crucible of War website has been given an extensive overhaul to bring it more up to date. Check it out now!

...Site Down-time...
...June 23 2005...
As a great many people have realised (and thanks for all your concerned messages), the David Hunter series website has been unavailable for a short while, due to a few issues with our hosting. I'd like to personally apologise for any issues this may have caused. In addition, many of our files will not be available for a short while, as we bring the site back up to date.

...DH Secrets Told!...
...June 23 2005...
Revealed by the absolute masters of David Hunter themselves, here's a short selection of tips and bits and pieces to improve your game, allowing you to righteously smite your opposition better than ever before!

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...Can you say 'Kaboom'?...
...All about Death of a Hero...

What is David Hunter?
David Hunter is a rip-roaringly fast paced action packed pulse driving adrenaline rush of action designed to incorporate the superb elements that make any game truly great to play, and a fresh new experience with every challenge.

Why Create Death of a Hero?
Death of a Hero is supposedly aimed at being an ultimate war simulation game, whilst still retaining its own rather bizarre nature. It features fairly realistic and heavily simulated gameplay within the confines of the unique David Hunter universe. It's designed to give the player heart racing battle experiences, where any one of the hundreds of flying bullets could be the one to end your endeavours. Massive armies will collide in densely packed urban warfare scenarios that are impressive in scope and imagination. Equally, stealthy scenarios through farmland, forests or swamps could potentially provide an alternate gameplay style that requires different skills to achieve.

Where does Death of Hero take place?
Death of a Hero is set just before the balance is tipped into the favour of humanity during the great Clone war. An enormous entrenched battle line stretches as far as the most northern tip of Norway, all the way down to the most southern tip of Italy, with over a billion soldiers prepared to give their lives so that mankind may live on.
Death of a Hero takes you into the heart of the fighting around the UNDH headquarters, where you will follow their movements throughout the game and play as a miniscule part of an incredibly large military campaign, up until the final defeat of the clone forces on Earth.

What am I in all of this? 
You take the form of a regular foot soldier, conscripted into the Wehrmarkt at the time of direst need. You are the basic grunt in an enormous army that can barely equip itself. Thank you luck stars that you are part of one of the largest surviving armies with the best industrial production rates in the world.

What is the main focus?
Just like in most modern First Person Shooter games, you focus is to eliminate the enemy using any means necessary or possible. In Death of a Hero you also have several fairly dynamic objectives in many missions that may require a search and destroy behaviour or a simple 'get to the end of the level without being killed' scenario. Either way, you need to rid yourself of a lot of enemies in practically every mission.

So What's different?
Death of a Hero is different to game that are currently in production and on the market, simply due to its sheer power of vision. We want to operate on a much larger scale to other war based FPS games available, and thus we have some truly enormous battle scenes that you can take part in, already lined up for you.

We want you to enjoy it as much as we enjoyed dreaming it.

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Hunters Say:

Most electronic equipment, when tested....Sinks. -Pappy
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