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DH Lore:Death of a Hero was originally a one man effort to mod Delta Force. It failed.
Latest News:
...Death of a Hero...
...November 14 2005...
Death of a Hero is now set to relaunch and recruit. Taking full advantage of Quake IV technology, this is going to be one to remember - check it out now!

...A New Look...
...October 7 2005...
We're very proud to announce our new look website, with a few new features and easier view news. It's also easier for us to update it, so expect more regular features. The site now features a number of means to affiliate with us and contact the webteam.

...CoW Overhaul...
...July 15 2005...
The Crucible of War website has been given an extensive overhaul to bring it more up to date. Check it out now!

...Site Down-time...
...June 23 2005...
As a great many people have realised (and thanks for all your concerned messages), the David Hunter series website has been unavailable for a short while, due to a few issues with our hosting. I'd like to personally apologise for any issues this may have caused. In addition, many of our files will not be available for a short while, as we bring the site back up to date.

...DH Secrets Told!...
...June 23 2005...
Revealed by the absolute masters of David Hunter themselves, here's a short selection of tips and bits and pieces to improve your game, allowing you to righteously smite your opposition better than ever before!

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...Not for the faint hearted...
...A small selection of snaps from the game...

Here's a taster of what's in store! Click on image to enlarge.

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Crucible Of War

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Hunters Say:

I let my crosshairs do the talking; unfortunately, theyre the quiet type. -Adamllis
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